Adage old dictum enumerates “Life is a Bed of Roses”, but is it so? Maybe! or I guess Maybe not. Every rose if plucked would get its thorn to prick you! ….. this I believe is Life.
All of us have been conditioned to consider happiness as a by-product of either some activity, some task completion, some event, or some person. But is it happiness?
I decided to talk about happiness when I realized a higher incidence of depression, anxiety, stress, and anxiousness among young co-workers. Even seasoned professionals like us with a few years of work experience under our belts are not spared of this happiness centricity.
Do you think that life would always be hunky-dory? won’t we have a manipulative co-worker, a biased superior, or a hostile environment???? Believe it, all of this exists at some point in time in everybody’s life. When this happens each of us has a choice; to either give in or fight it out. Giving in and self-pity will ruin you and would play havoc with your confidence levels. Just ask yourself a simple question- If I was so bad why did they pick me from the line of thousands of wannabes, why did only me has a chance to work in this organization- the organization that I had consciously applied for? Why is it only me that the boss enjoys humiliating, maybe because I am mature enough to take it and maybe inculcate certain improvements?
So think!!!!!
If you could make it so far, there is bound to be something in you that others did not possess? so why have self-doubt, why lose confidence, why have panic attacks, why second guess yourself, why place your happiness in the hands of people who actually do not matter, why limit yourself to an event/person/work… to feel happy, why?
Happiness is an inside job. If you are healthy, have a family, have friends, can have two square meals a day, shop when required, have a roof over your head…. be happy! You are better than millions and billions of people. This may sound like videos that you get on WhatsApp and Facebook pages… but being in a corporate setup myself, I have realized one thing. Having a job that sucks is better than not having a job at all. Having a boss who is always dissatisfied is better than having a boss who ignores you like furniture, having spiteful and manipulative co-workers is better than sugar-coated backstabbers. Every grey sky has a silver lining. Focus on that silver lining and gear up and fight for yourself. Why give up in the first place???????? If you give up, you have added to the laurels of people who wanted to break your spirit, so hey dude, hey gal, put on your beautiful smile, get the twinkle back in your eyes and face the hostile conditions.
Trust me! you would scare the daylights out of people who wanted to break your spirit and these people who are usually insecure would be left jittery and scared about what to do with the new you.
Fight your battles with polite words and a big smile and well there are other jobs in the market… did you make your resume yet. Huh!!!!! 🙂