How old are you???….eeeeoowwwww… My age? No no nooooo!

Time, waqt, kal chakra- a mystery which can neither be unravelled nor modified but can only be accepted…what choice do we have :D. The single source of truth, the unchangeable, the Uninfluenceable, the uncontrollable unending cycle of constant motion…. The mystery of time, let’s dwell on it.

In our college/ university days… Time as a commodity never crosses our mind. The insouciance of youth, the attitude of nonchalance, the fantasy in dreams makes us forget the movement of time and lo and behold the 20s are now over and early 30s have arrived.

The feeling of being 30, the 20-somethings giving you respect and asking for guidance at work… Eeeowwww…. But weren’t we watching Tom and Jerry last night???? When did we become a senior to the recent influx of college/ university grads…. Ouch… Nah it’s a dream… We are still young ourselves… But well are we? Hee hee maybe or maybe not.

I am writing this today because an incident got me thinking of age. It was my college senior’s birthday and I called up to wish her…she said she was depressed as she is now on the other side of 30 and then she started crying…errr pretty weird and embarrassing…what to do..what to say…. all I wanted to wish was a happy birthday.. and what had I gotten myself into….hey girl it’s fine, we can’t get younger right….why to cry…but anyways that got me thinking about age.

Honestly however cliched it sounds, it’s just a number… 30,35,40, 45……whatever… I think rather than getting depressed, use these numbers to pack more life into your existence.

Grey hair… Cool… So what… College kids have greys… Big deal… Colour them blue/ green / red/ brown or let them be. The colour of your hair doesn’t determine your age… Ahhh rekha ji with long black tresses…. Ahem ahem was I alluding to something, na na so black hair doesn’t make you young or for that matter pretty….

So chuck it buddy, who cares about a few greys? A wrinkle here and there, a few laugh lines…its a testimony to a life well lived… Hell with stereotypes… Do what you think is right and be happy about your decisions… You can’t change them anyways so stop crying over spilt milk and look for the effervescent cheeeese.. 😀

Anyways, time is ever changing- so stop, think and decide what is important for you now… Not past.. Not future… But the present and that my friend is what you should devote your energies to. This elusive tomorrow may not even arrive….

No gyan, no preaching, no sermons… It’s your life.. Live it as you want… These are your decisions.. Don’t blame anyone/ anything… If you are happy… Great… If you aren’t… What stops you from being one…. Ciao…..


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